Unfinished Film(1972)
Directed by Bryce Malek; Starring Kenneth Kimball, John Aughinbaugh,
John Brayton, and Margaret Wells.
A narcissistic and dramatic dork attempts to star himself in his
autobiographical movie (within a movie) entitled, “One Leaf on a Bare
Tree.” Super8mm, Black and white
and color. No soundtrack. 8:53
Five reels were shot in the uncompleted production of this
first narrative film of Bryce Malek’s undergraduate career. A dialogue/music soundtrack was intended
to be added later, but was never recorded, and no copies of a script have been
found. It remains unclear as to
the reasons why this film was not completed; most likely the director’s
enthusiasm waned during the production because of the continued difficulties of
the wild track production method and story problems. Selection of clips and rough editing was done to give some
idea of … continuity? Click here for Director's Notes on this film.