It's difficult to believe that this footage didn't have many passes through the projector gate--it looks as scratched and dirty as the other films in the collection. It was shot in the fall and winter at the University of Iowa for my Film Production I class, following the first assignment, Patterns of Light. At the time, i intended it to be completed with a wild audio track, a la The Golden Years and subsequent films, but even after completing a feature film, it was an uphill climb. Generally, the process was to film the action first, and then dub in dialogue later--but later never came. I don't remember shooting from a script, and I'm not sure I even remember what the story was supposed to be about, either.
But I had the makings of an eclectic repertory company of actors, particularly with the three featured in this film, Kenny, John, and Margaret. Kenny's outrageous character (and his patriotic pants) was seen in the film that was finally submitted for the assignment in this class: The Little Man. This film probably had the highest ratio of film shot to film used (in the clip here), with several retakes of almost every scene. Overacting was encouraged.
There were camera problems, too--I bought a new camera to use for The Little Man, and by that time I was willing to give up on the idea of a dialogue soundtrack. The whole process of working on this film was so daunting and the possible product so weak that I thought it was best to abandon it. But I'm happy to have this footage of my college friends in simpler times!