Magic in a Bottle (1970)

Magic in a Bottle (1970)  Produced, Written and Directed by Bryce Malek; Starring David Martin, Connie
Peters, Carole Ballou, Bob Blakesley, Peter Moore, Mary Boelter, Bob Malek, Ruth Hamilton, Ted Martin,
Bob Crabb, Chris Lunan, Fern Jansonius, Gwen Conklin, Janice Kuhn, Rich Long, Ruth Oberhauser, Brent Pahl, Linda Peters, Jim Sloan, and Bradley Graetz.  Piano music arranged and performed by Mary Beth Franz. Super8mm, color, sound.  A traveling salesman in the Old West posing as a doctor sells a beauty elixir to a plain girl and falls in love.  89:00

(Click here for Director's Notes on this film.)

Based on the stage musical written and produced by Bryce Malek at Independence High School in the spring of 1970, Magic in a Bottle is the only full-length feature film in the Malek filmography.  Shot in the summer between high school and college, it premiered at the Malek Theater, and was later shown in various venues.   Because of its extended length, it is presented here in four parts (SCROLL DOWN):