A Bryce Malek Production (1966-1967)


A Bryce Malek Production (1966-1967)  Directed by Bryce Malek; featuring Robert Malek, Bryce Malek.  A collection of early motion picture experiments.  8mm, color,  silent.  8:23

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     An umbrella production combining scenes from Test Film #1 (1966) and Test Film #2 (1967), as well as most of the beginning 8mm film work of Bryce Malek.  A great amount of experimentation took place during this period, including reverse action, flying camera, double exposures, clay animation—The Blob From Outer Space (1967)—and flat paper cutout animation— Johnny Atlantis (1967).  Many of these experiments had major problems with focus and exposure, but some showed promise.  The double exposure sequence at the end of the film was used as background for the credits in Bryce's doctoral project, Masculinity for Sale (2007).  (In this website version, Fatman and Meteor Madness have been excised and presented elsewhere as individual films.)